Your 1st Birthday Baby Boy

Created by Samar 10 years ago
I will never forget your 1st birthday, Sunday, June 15 2012.. at 2:00 in the afternoon.. All of your aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, family and friends were there. Your dad threw you a birthday party that was unforgettable.... It was a celebration like no other. Over 100 people came to your Aunt Linda and your Uncle Anthony's house. Your whole family was there little Christian.. I could look at your daddy and see the love he has/had for you.. Thru all the hugs, kisses, pictures, you will feel the love of your daddy. All the balloons, the clowns, the cake/pastries, the piƱata, the jumping bag for all the kids, the face painter, If your dad could have given you the sun in the sky he would. You were Blessed to have the best dad ever.. Christian I promise you we will tell you stories about your daddy every day. I am sure your mom will always tell you how much you look and act like your daddy..